-www.p-matthews.com home

The studio. Zamenhofstraat, Amsterdam.


























P a t r i c k - M a t t h e w s

D r a w i n g s

Patrick Matthews' drawings exist as part of a larger frame as installations and time based works, on both large and small sized paper, traditional canvasses, placed within architectural spaces as well as large murals that turn his personal and spontaneous gestures into monumental public statements.

'' I work in bursts or 'sessions' as I like to call them. Creating lots of drawings at one time as long as the energy and the inspiration lasts. When I draw I always draw with my eyes closed. Imagining the figure I want to draw and looking for the unexpected or the ''mistake'' to happen that will hopefully take the drawing in a new direction.

I always draw using indelible black Indian ink on white paper or canvas because it captures every mark or jesture I make and because it can't be altered, erased, or changed afterwards. Every mark I make is permanent. Which is very important to me as I draw as quickly as I can in order to capture a sense of spontaneity and life in the drawing. ''


''Painting is a blind mans profession'' Jean Cocteau

''You should never change your mind about a line'' Jean-Michel Basquiat